Supercheap Auto – Penrith Superstore Launch
Supercheap Auto – Penrith Superstore Launch
We’ve been working on another PR campaign for Supercheap Auto over the last month, launching the first of their new generation of stores, or more aptly, Customer Experience Centres.
The Penrith Experience Centre opened on July 01, and features a suite of new services, digital experiences, and unique design features to meet the current and future needs of customers. This new addition to the Supercheap portfolio of 320 stores was purpose-built to deliver solutions, in recognition of the evolution of customer needs.
We invited some media along to the launch event, prior to the public opening, to get a grand tour and rub shoulders with the Mighty Car Mods and Supercars legend Chaz Mostert and then went out wide with a press release to media outlets predominantly in the business, automotive, and retail sectors.
See what we did here

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